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Securing ActiveMQ Console with LDAP

Enhance Security in Your ActiveMQ Console with LDAP Integration 🔐

Are you leveraging Apache ActiveMQ but concerned about securing your web console? If so, integrating LDAP for authentication might be the solution you’re looking for.

Our blog post dives deep into securing your ActiveMQ console using LDAP, offering practical guidance and configuration tips for those working with ActiveMQ and Active Directory. Whether you’re a sysadmin or a developer, you’ll find our step-by-step process easy to follow for enhancing your system’s security.

We cover:

  • How to integrate LDAP with ActiveMQ
  • Key configuration files to modify
  • Helpful troubleshooting tips for a smooth setup


Securing ActiveMQ Console with LDAP seems to have limited documentation. It could be the version that I installed or the fact that I am not an LDAP guru, though I have learned more in the past three months about connecting to and querying LDAP than I thought I ever would. So, here are some basics. I installed Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.10 on a CentOS 7 server that is running Java 8 r221. The LDAP configuration is actually talking to an Active Directory server, though I do not know the specifics, other than the connection URL, bind DN, and bind password. The following information was gathered from several articles, Apache’s documentation, and sheer stupid luck. This was my second attempt at implementing ActiveMQ and AD, so timing is everything. The AMQ configuration is fairly basic. We configured Virtual Topics, DLQ (dead letter queue) handling, and TLS/SSL, but there is no detail regarding those topics in this article. We have three AMQ nodes in the network for high availability, but are running in-memory only, outside of our DLQ’s. I had the broker talking to LDAP at one point, which was relatively easy; however, I stripped it out when I could not get the Web Console app configured. At some point very soon, we will reconfigure the broker for LDAP as well.




I used Ldaptive to integration LDAP, mainly because it was the configuration that was the best documented. To support Ldaptive, two Jetty JAAS libraries were downloaded and installed in $ACTIVEMQ_HOME/lib.

  1. Download Ldaptive 1.2.4, unpack it, and copy jars/ldaptive-1.2.4.jar to $ACTIVEMQ_HOME/lib.
  2. Download Jetty JAAS, unpack it, and copy **ONLY** the following files to $ACTIVEMQ_HOME/lib:
    • jetty-jaas-9.4.19*.jar
    • jetty-security-9.4.19*.jar

I found some conflicts at one point, but it might have been an older version of Jetty JAAS that I was using. I did not go back and copy all of the JAR files from Jetty JAAS.


Only two files need modification, jetty.xml and login.config. Below are the files, with some specifics masked to protect the identities of the guilty (the client). I left almost all of the default AMQ configuration intact, in case we needed to revert. There are a number of useless beans that are defined, but will most likely help in the end.

$ACTIVEMQ_HOME/conf/jetty.xml (partial)


... <!-- LDAP Configuration -->
    <bean id="defaultIdentityService" class="" />
    <bean id="ldapSecurityLoginService" class="org.eclipse.jetty.jaas.JAASLoginService">
        <property name="name" value="LdapRealm" />
        <property name="loginModuleName" value="activemq-ldap" />
        <property name="roleClassNames" value="org.ldaptive.jaas.LdapRole" />
        <property name="identityService" ref="defaultIdentityService" />
    <bean id="ldapSecurityConstraint" class="">
        <property name="name" value="BASIC" />
        <property name="roles" value="user,roleIntegrationDev" />
        <property name="authenticate" value="true" />
    <bean id="ldapAdminSecurityConstraint" class="">
        <property name="name" value="BASIC" />
        <property name="roles" value="roleIntegrationDev" />
        <property name="authenticate" value="true" />
    <bean id="ldapSecurityConstraintMapping" class="">
        <property name="constraint" ref="ldapSecurityConstraint" />
        <property name="pathSpec" value="/api/*,/admin/*,*.jsp" />
    <bean id="ldapAdminSecurityConstraintMapping" class="">
        <property name="constraint" ref="ldapAdminSecurityConstraint" />
        <property name="pathSpec" value="*.action" />
<!-- End of LDAP Configuration -->
    <bean id="securityHandler" class="">
        <property name="loginService" ref="ldapSecurityLoginService"/>
        <property name="identityService" ref="defaultIdentityService" />
        <property name="authenticator">
            <bean class="" />
        <property name="constraintMappings">
                <ref bean="ldapAdminSecurityConstraintMapping" />
                <ref bean="ldapSecurityConstraintMapping" />
        <property name="handler" ref="secHandlerCollection" />




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activemq-ldap {
  org.ldaptive.jaas.LdapLoginModule required
      ldapUrl="ldaps://<<<URL for the AD server>>>/"
      bindDn="<<<the user DN that will perform the search>>>"
      bindCredential="<<<the password for the user DN that will perform the search>>>"
  org.ldaptive.jaas.LdapRoleAuthorizationModule required
      ldapUrl="ldaps://<<<URL for the AD server>>>/"
      bindDn="<<<the user DN that will perform the search>>>"
      bindCredential="<<<the password for the user DN that will perform the search>>>"
      roleFilter="(&(objectClass=group)(sAMAccountName=<<<the group ID>>>)(memberUid={user}))"
/** Default configuration **/
activemq {
    org.apache.activemq.jaas.PropertiesLoginModule required"""";


The roleFilter value was tricky, because I am not that familiar with LDAP. In my opinion, roleFilter and userFilter, are just a matter of trial and error. Use ldapsearch from openldap-clients to perform some initial queries or you will be wasting time restarting AMQ.

Let me know if you have any questions about my process.

Work Horse Integrations

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